September 19, 2013

TRY IT FIRST: Pumpkin Ravioli Review + New Recipe

I am going to be 100% honest here since I feel that is the best policy. I ran to TJMaxx to purchase some pretty bowls before I started making this ravioli. I wanted camera ready bowls, thankfully I already had pretty gorgeous measure cups. 

I knew this would be a process but I wasn't aware that it would be messy. As evident in the picture below, I created quite a mess! I was lucky enough to score a pasta machine from my friend Thomas which helped flatten out the ravioli. I also used a glass for small pieces (maybe a little much but I call it resourceful). 

The filling was the easiest part since the pumpkin came from a can. Deciding the quantity to go in the middle of each ravioli proved to be a task but once you got the hand out if things start to run a little smoother.

The finished product drizzled with browned butter, rosemary and thyme add the finishing touches to this meal and created a delicious aroma in the apartment. 

Overall I had such a fun time making this and learned quite a bit along the way. I thoroughly  enjoyed the process but I am going with some a little less complicated for next week's post. 

FRENCH TOAST, the mecca of my childhood. My grandpa and great-grandma made it like no one else can. After asking a friend for a new recipe she handed me this one from Annie Eats. So next week I will review the process and my final thoughts on if Anni's measurs up to my family's french toast. 

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One Response to “TRY IT FIRST: Pumpkin Ravioli Review + New Recipe”

  1. I LOVE that you bought new bowls for the post. I would do the same thing. One can never have too many pretty kitchen accessories!
