July 18, 2014

Friday Fancies

A serious kitchen makeover.
Week long Italian festivities and wedding.
Stunning photos in black and white.
Serious girl power, this is a female to admire.  
Stunning headphones with rose gold accents.
Fancying these copper + mirror trays from West Elm.
Loving this shorts + blazer combo.
Might be adding this leopard beauties to my shoe collection soon. Thoughts?
Such a touching video on how animals help people heal.
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Have a great weekend!


2 Responses to “Friday Fancies ”

  1. That mirror tray is exactly what I've been looking for to add to my bar cart! It's perfection! And yes to the leopard heels. ;)

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

    1. I am seriously dying for a reason to purchase those trays! So glad someone agrees with me on the shoes....they are on their way to my closest now.

