So as I was going through my photos to type up two recipe posts I found some photos of my trip to Athens and a few more from Savannah. So I thought what better thing to do then give those beauties there own blog post. Behold, below pictures from my beloved alma mater, my dad and I sanding a tree trump and my recent trip to Savannah for fourth of July and of course Danielle's birthday!!
Thomas, Lynae, Jeff, Sean and Kimmy walking arund North Campus.
Ringing the bell....its a big deal to UGA grads.
Jeff wanted nothing to do with a UGA tradition.
I spent so many Saturdays here with friends. We yelled, chanted, celebrated and danced in this stadium every Saturday for three years. I have so many memories from Saturdays in Athens.

A tree stump. What in the world is one doing with a tree stump? Well I am going to create a side table out of it. It needed to be sanded first so my dad and I set about to do just that.
He will kill me for posting this but well he is the best. He helped me sand the tree stump. Picture below is him sanding the more detailed spots on my stump. This guy is seriously the best. I find an idea and he brings them to life.
These are the mountains you can see from my front yard. The beauty was lost on me as a child but my first trip back from Charlotte I realized the beauty I overlooked each day.
Seriously good coffee in downtown Savannah.
He doesn't know this picture exists but I liked it.
Two of my favorites waiting to get into Wet Willies.