January 21, 2015

Vloggng...Do or Don't

So until about 4 months ago, I didn't even know Vlogging was a thing. I know...I know I am so behind the times. Well after a few months I saw the benefits that vlogging can bring to a blog and just to a person's life in general. Imagine having snippets of your life in video form. It's pretty awesome in my opinion.
I am personally a fan of vlogging because I like the insight it gives me to the blogger/youtuber. Two of my absolute favorite vloggers to watch are Lily Pebbles and Viviana Does Makeup. They are both from the UK and they are both hilarious and serious beauty bloggers to follow.
So this leads to me the point of this post...would you watch someone's vlog? Do you currently? Honestly I think for me, it will be a personal decision but I am always interested in seeing what you guys have to say. So let me know your thoughts and any other good vloggers to follow.
Not that this is at all what my vlogs would look like but I took this video while at the beach with my sister and told her I would post it on here and I keep my word. Also just so you know I had to crop the video to send from my phone since I couldn't find my card...vlog fail! haha

1 Comment »

One Response to “Vloggng...Do or Don't”

  1. i can spend hours watchnig vlogs! i love learning a bit more abut the life of the person making them! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2015/01/gluten-free-blondie-cake-bites.html xx
