I am all for the holidays. Once Thanksgiving gets close I am full blown holiday crazed. I decided a few weeks ago I wanted to have a Thanksgiving dinner with my group of friends. So with a ton of emails and some planning later we ended up having a fantastic "Friendsgiving" this past Sunday.
On Saturday Thomas and I went shopping for decorations, more so I shopped for decorations and he shopped for cooking supplies. We got supplies for our dishes the following day and made a plan to decorate on Sunday.
We decided to use my boss's hurricanes for the centerpieces and I got moss, cranberries and candles to put in the middle.

As a side note, cranberries taste awful. I don't know this from personal experience but from the faces Jeff and Thomas made I can gather they weren't delicious.
Thomas made turkey cake pops to go on the table and wrapped the napkins in leaves.
My lovely friend Jen.
And this is my friend Thomas in all his Turkey Leg glory!