Today marks the twelfth anniversary of September 11th and the falling of the World Trade Centers. I thought it only appropriate to post about those that I know who are currently serving and have served this country.
I am not one to always get sappy but I think today is a day to remember those who have lost loved ones, those currently serving and those who have served.
I am not one to always get sappy but I think today is a day to remember those who have lost loved ones, those currently serving and those who have served.
Below are some of these courageous men who fight and the awe inspiring women who stand firmly beside them.
Meet Mark Garrison and his wife and one of my best friends Christine Garrison. They were married back in December and in less than two months Mark set off to Afghanistan. These two have a love I can't describe and a bond that nine months and thousand of miles have only made stronger. If I get to enjoy half the love the two of these have for each other I would be extremely lucky.
Dani Lyn and Shawn McDuffie are two peas in a pod if I have ever seen two. He currently serves in the Navy and is stationed in Jacksonville, FL. These two have more in common and have a love for each that radiates between the two. They make each laugh more than any couple I have met and they have an underlying friendship that I believe every marriage should have.
My Uncle John. The strongest and sweetest uncle I have. He served in the Army and with that he learned, loved and lost more than most people ever have to endure. My Uncle supports his country to this day and has pride in those fighting for us and those who have fought for us. He is an example of what one should be like post military life.
I could list plenty more that I know on here that have served or are serving. I will never be able to write enough to say thank you to those who courageous put their lives on the line for me and everyone else here in the USA everyday. To imagine someone fighting for people they have and will never meet is a humbling thought. So for all those who are and have served THANK YOU for the bottom of my heart for you service. For those who laid their lives down and the families of those lost I nor this country will ever be able to thank you for this. You are all stronger and more patriotic than most people give you credit for and I pray for a safe return for all those currently overseas and those heading over there in the future.
May we NEVER forget the sacrifices being made for our freedom everyday!